A handy app to keep yourself safe from skin cancer

Be more informed about skin cancer and make more informed decisions on how to deal with it.

Gain information on the variants of the disease, along with proper ways on how to avoid it and how to protect and take care of your skin.

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Skin Cancer Detection

The primary purpose of the SkinGuard application is to detect whether a person has skin cancer or their skin or not. The application utilizes AI technology to detect whether the spot in the skin is malignant or not. Users can upload or take a picture of the concerning area and receive an analysis on whether it is malignant or not.

UV Index

The SkinGuard application detects the UV index at your current location in real time, along with tips on how to protect your skin. Recommendations on what should be done are also personalized based on information given in the skin type risk calculator.

Skin Type and Risk Calculators

The application gives you short forms in order to determine your skin type and how high you are at risk of getting skin cancer based on your skin. The calculator will give you a test, assessing details such as skin type, sun exposure, family history and genetics and lifestyle habits. Recommendations are given out based on the results from the test in order for you to help you find ways to protect yourself from skin cancer and other skin problems, along with optimizing your skincare routine.

The results from this test are also utilized in the UV Index tool, which also gives out recommendations on actions to be taken in a given day.  

Interested? Try SkinGuard now!

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